
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2021

My first entry

  Hello it's Anna Maria's blog                                        👀                          👀                  👩                                                           👀             In school this yeas, I've learned that 1. Humans are the only animals that blush 2. Hurricanes build in water and tornados on land.  3. A hamsters cheek pouches don't have saliva.  I really wanted to sign up to the STEAM project to work with people from Finland and learn more about how science and art are connected.                                 nature         greens          artistic landscapes                 plants/animals                      ecosystems                    Environment                 biotope &  biogenesis deforestation, floods, pollution                clean, fresh, natural        a home        parks, meadows                                      Scotland         bagpipes        Royal Mile        rainy weather       the Meadows many big golf courses