My first entry

 Hello it's Anna Maria's blog                                        👀                    👀

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In school this yeas, I've learned that

1. Humans are the only animals that blush

2. Hurricanes build in water and tornados on land. 

3. A hamsters cheek pouches don't have saliva. 

I really wanted to sign up to the STEAM project to work with people from Finland and learn more about how science and art are connected.

                          nature         greens        artistic landscapes                plants/animals

                   ecosystems                 Environment               biotope & biogenesis

deforestation, floods, pollution                clean, fresh, natural        a home        parks, meadows 

                                    Scotland         bagpipes        Royal Mile        rainy weather       the Meadows

many big golf courses        Scottish accent     Edinburgh   Edinburgh castle 

                     Princes street gardens               foggy dark green landscapes        Greyfriars Bobby  



  1. I did not know that about humans or hamsters! Why? Why are those things so?

    I was hoping to work more with people from Finland too- hopefully the pandemic will ease up and we can!

    My vocabulary seems to be lacking I had to look up Biotope and Biogenesis. Thanks! :)


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